Snapchat Marketing in 2024: Trends, Tips, and Best Practices

In this blog post, we will explore Snapchat marketing trends, tips, and best practices for 2024.

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Snapchat has emerged as one of the most effective marketing channels, especially for reaching younger audiences. With over 330 million daily active users, the majority of whom are under 35, Snapchat is an attractive platform for businesses looking to acquire new customers and grow brand awareness.

Snapchat Trends:

1. The Rise of AR Filters and Lenses: AR technology has revolutionized Snapchat and offers businesses unique opportunities to bring their brands to life and engage with followers. With AR filters and lenses, customers can virtually try on products, play games, or take fun selfies with the brand's logo.

2. Leveraging Shoppable Features: Snapchat has developed shoppable features that allow customers to purchase products directly from the app. This makes buying easier and faster and can significantly boost sales.

3. Sending Personalized Messages: Snapchat allows businesses to send personalized messages to customers based on their preferences and interests. This increases customer satisfaction and engagement.


1. Create Engaging AR Experiences: AR filters and lenses should be fun, interactive, and support the brand's identity.

2. Utilize Shoppable Features: Add your products to Snapchat and make buying easy and fast.

3. Target Your Messages to the Right People: Use Snapchat's analytics tools to target your messages to the right people based on their demographics and interests.

4. Track Results and Optimize Your Campaigns: Monitor the results of your campaigns and make adjustments as needed to improve effectiveness.

Best Practices:

1. Set Clear Goals: What do you want to achieve with Snapchat marketing?

2. Create High-Quality Content: Your content should be visually appealing and support your brand's identity.

3. Engage with Followers: Respond to comments and questions and create conversations with your audience.

4. Use Analytics Tools: Track the results of your campaigns and make adjustments as needed to improve effectiveness.

Harnessing the Power of AR Technology:

AR technology is a powerful tool that businesses can use to stand out from the crowd and create unique experiences for their customers. With AR filters and lenses, customers can:

1. Virtually Try Products: This is a great way to showcase products and help customers make purchasing decisions.

2. Play Games: Games are a fun and interactive way to increase brand engagement.

3. Take Fun Selfies: AR filters allow customers to take fun selfies with the brand's logo and share them on social media.


Snapchat marketing can be an effective way to reach new customers and strengthen brand awareness. By following the trends, tips, and best practices outlined in this blog post, you can achieve success on this dynamic and visual channel.

Want to learn more about Snapchat marketing and augmented reality?

Contact us today! Our marketing agency can help you create an effective Snapchat strategy that leverages the power of AR and reaches the right people.

We offer:

  • A free consultation to discuss your needs and goals

  • Snapchat campaign planning and execution that utilizes AR to create immersive and interactive experiences

  • Content production that is visually appealing and enriched with AR features

  • Analytics and reporting to track the results of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions

Don't miss out on the opportunity to leverage the potential of Snapchat and AR! We're here to help you succeed!

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